An A.G. Coombs Drafting Traineeship opens up a rewarding career option for architectural design graduates

January 24, 2025

As part of its commitment to continually invest in the next generation of building services professionals, A.G. Coombs offers a multitude of different employment pathways – from apprenticeships to graduate placements.

One of those opportunities is in the A.G. Coombs Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) team – responsible for providing full mechanical services models and drawings for each project.

Forming an integral part of the A.G. Coombs Apprenticeship Program, the Drafting Traineeship is quite rare in the industry – a chance to be employed full time with the organisation and work on a wide range of projects under close supervision while up-skilling, learning the profession and attending formal off-site classes at AMCA Australia to gain a nationally accredited Certificate IV in Engineering Drafting.

For Patricia Seguel, who finished her architectural design degree at Monash University in 2023, the A.G. Coombs Drafting Traineeship was a great way to find her first job, use her transferrable skills and fulfill her desire to work on more practical rather than conceptual design projects.

A meaningful entry-level role with room to grow

Patricia had already made the decision that she didn’t want to further her studies in a university environment. Instead, she was looking at how she could leverage her existing knowledge and preference for hands-on, technical work to secure an entry- level position. She noted that most employers were looking for someone with up to 5-years of experience, which put most jobs beyond her reach.

When Patrica came across an ad on to undertake a drafting traineeship in mechanical services within the A.G. Coombs Apprentice Program, it sparked her interest.

The idea of a traineeship was especially attractive for Patricia – the fact that the company was investing in her and her future career – and supporting her personal and professional development.

Providing the work experience you need, on the job, plus more

“A.G. Coombs has always been at the forefront of innovation within our industry. Our VDC team, comprised of 60+ highly-skilled draftspersons, coordinators and technical leaders, pushes the boundaries of technology to deliver remarkable outcomes for our valued clients,” commented John VanCuylenberg,
A.G. Coombs Virtual Design & Construction Leader.

“We recognise that to build upon our strong legacy, it’s essential to support and empower the leaders of tomorrow like Patricia. Together, we’re not just shaping the built environment; we’re also cultivating a new wave of talent that will drive us forward into our next era of excellence,” he added.

A positive and welcoming organisation where you can make a difference

While she has only been in the role for less than 12 months, Patricia is finding it to be both stimulating and fun.

“I really enjoy being taught and working at the same time. I get to use technology and programs similar to the ones I used at university and I’m learning more every day in a very collaborative and friendly work environment,” Patricia commented.

“Working on as-built projects, adjusting details from original plans is a great way to build my skills and understanding of mechanical elements and drawing. And I’m on my way to gaining another qualification,” she added.

In the first year of your Drafting Traineeship, you are assigned a supervisor to guide you and provide in-house training, such as learning about different types of documentation and drawings. You will visit project sites and liaise with members from different A.G. Coombs Group businesses.

A national resource pool provides opportunities to work on projects across Australia in a highly collaborative environment. Working for a company with a large national footprint means that data is shared, and the design and documentation process is highly collaborative. With several trainees working together, you have a strong support network in place, plus guidance from more senior team members.

“I don’t think there is a lot of awareness among architecture students about mechanical and building services career options. I think if more people knew about them, they would be more likely to join a company like A.G. Coombs,” said Patricia.

“It is such a good program, and I would definitely recommend students and graduates look at different pathways and upskilling at A.G. Coombs – especially anyone looking to expand their horizons and get the most out of their first course-related employment experience,” she added.

Once Patricia has qualified as an engineering draftsperson and completed her traineeship, she aspires to remain at A.G. Coombs, become more heavily involved in major projects and take on more responsibility as her career progresses.

Join the A.G. Coombs drafting team

The A.G. Coombs Drafting Traineeship is a 4-year program – which includes 2 years of formal study (in one-week blocks, 3 times per year) and 2 years of additional in-house ‘on the job’ training.

Candidates with qualifications in architectural design or similar degrees, or those who have a genuine interest in pursuing a mechanical drafting traineeship are encouraged to apply directly via email or the Contact Us page.

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