
We understand that safety is all about people.

Our vision is to achieve injury-free workplaces. To achieve this vision, we commit to:

  • Managing our employees, contractors and workplaces to ensure compliance with all relevant safety laws, regulations, codes of practice and guidelines.
  • Ensuring that the management of health and safety is an integral part of all of our operations.
  • Providing the necessary training, equipment and resources so that all work can be completed efficiently and safely.
  • Establishing, and regularly reviewing, safety objectives and targets.
  • Applying the key principles of hazard identification, risk assessment and control to all tasks.
  • Workplace consultation.

Since 2000 we have maintained a best practice, fully integrated safety management system that is independently certified to Australian Standard AS/NZS ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems.

Take a look at our safety awards for our leading workplace health and safety systems.